
“My Name is Bushmaster …Bushmaster…Bushmaster…
I am your Right, Your Right, Your Right
My Children see me on T.V. T. V. T. V.
They Learn my name as Children, Children, Children
I am their fun and their games, their games, their games.

My Name is Bushmaster…Bushmaster…Bushmaster…
I am your Fear, your Fear, your Fear.
My Students are your Children, your Children, your Children
They Practice my skills, my skills, my skills which kill
I am their solace, and their comrade in anger and sorrow.

My Name is Bushmaster…Bushmaster…Bushmaster…
I give my Children glory, glory, glory
My children will die for me, die for me, die for me…
They hunger for the power, the power, the power
And I take their life, their life, their life…

My Name is Bushmaster…I have taken Your Name.