Who Are The Murderers? 

We watch, we listen, we play, we learn from our Older Ones, We learn from them very Carefully. Is it a Game, is it becoming a grownup when like them we hear the Roar in our ears and “know” that we now have the Power.  

Carefully, Carefully, We teach, watch Us we say we will train you for safety with these GUNS the same as our Soldiers teach others in lands far away. Our safety will reside in any home of the sane and the insane alike for we do not discriminate in America.

The lands of other Children we pray for we send our love and our bullets. The lands of innocence in our own backyards with swings and books we by default send our guns and bullets we need to keep us safe.

We need these carefully designed unstoppable bullets for protection against the Noble Deer, against the Soaring Hawks, against Baby Seals, we teach you very carefully how to engage the mechanisms of death to Kill Living Beings. 

The Taliban walked up and shot Malala in the Head. She lives in our memories of bravery, of will to remain a force for good. She walks in all our Hearts for her freedoms and grace of  Being.

The Grownup bravery of the protectors “the good guys” without arms of force only had the self of their humanness for their collective desire to protect the Innocents. They fell like the small pawns they have become in the game of our Rights verses Common Sense, Would we do the Same?    

We hear our collective cries of despair for young lives murdered. We shed our Collective Tears of Shame for our inaction. We feel our breaking hearts pounding in our minds broken dreams and wonder who are these Murderers?

They Are Us…