The Fewer that remain, the Faster they Go…

In the realm of physics is there a foundation which would support these phenomena?

I ask this for when my friends and I ponder this; we all agree that this is so. Is it physiologically based, mentally, emotionally, or an actual occurrence of time?

In My Seventy Seventh year, it seems like there only two days in my week…Friday my task day, and Sunday the brunch day.

I see the hour glass filled with sand. When it starts a new time reference, the sands go slowly, when the sand is past the halfway measure, they start to go more quickly. Is this gravity, or perception? When the glass is full, it would seem that the more weight would make the sand flow more quickly and when less full, with less weight, less quickly…

On the other hand when in the Art Cave one hour is timeless and exploration of the possibilities endless. Time seems to expand and is seductive in its hold upon my fascination. Time in this place of mind travel stands still for the muse, as it demands its fulfillment wherever that might lead.

Your thoughts…

The Labyrinth of Art Cave

The River runs through it deeply
Washing away the pebbles of destruction
The waters become clear with blue of hue of
footprints from the Past

Sounds come from walls with the roar of beasts
Smoking with the blackness of char
My hand was there trembling with the future
We were all there wading through the blindness of
Our wants

I follow the Stream endlessly with sounds of tomorrow
Flowing within my heart of aged soul sight
The Art Cave has dwellers of my selves others
Seeing without eyes of my deceptive body…